Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So yea...I went back over the weekends the other day and boy, did I not regret it!

Haha you must be thinking what a thing to say! Like 'did I not regret it'?! wtf

The thing is...I had not wanted to go back at first cos I just hate traveling such long hours on the bus. A major waste of time, I'd say. But anyway, I went home. And I must say, it's certainly the best weekend I've had at home since leaving home.

Once papa and I reached home, we (and also mom and Kelvin) went for dinner at my favourite hawker place at the lake gardens. Had my usual BBQ wings which is as yummy as ever! Writing bout it makes me crave for it even more! Had siew yoke, loh bak and pineapple fried rice too =D Barely a couple of hours and yet I'm already binging on food. Hehe.

I used to always look forward to Saturdays when I was still in school cos Saturdays usually mean having meals at ah ma's. Ah ma's cooking's the best! Of course, I'm now referring to mom's mom but nevertheless papa's mom is also a very good cook ;p

So she cooked one of her 'qiu pai'....sweet and sour 'hu pio' fu chow style!

It's actually fish maw. The fish's air bladder. Like wtf =O But I swear it's so damn good that I don't care that it's an organ even though I never NEVER take organs of what ever sort!

What really touched me is that mom had purposely kept it till I'm back before asking ah ma to cook it. Aww....I feel loved =D

Then at night went for dinner with papa's side of family at his usual hang out. Food was not too bad but I would have prefer to go for, say, 'nga poh fan'. And speaking of that I didn't get the chance to eat it cos papa wasn't very keen. Sigh, next time perhaps :(

Lunch on Sunday was at Sushi King cos mom got a RM30 voucher from HSBC. Hehe. Don't everybody love rebates! Food was so-so only. Still prefer Sakae Sushi. Their salmon karaage and soft shell crab temaki's the best! *drools~

Then we went to Prima at night. Had the best Ramly burger in town. Nyum!

Monday was home cooked food by mom. It's funny how I used to detest her cooking when I was still at home. But to be fair since I'm not at home anymore she cooks ho liao stuffs which is not the usual norm whenever I'm back. Hehe =)

I wish it's always like how it was last weekend at home. But I guess nothing's perfect and we just gotta savour every moment while we got the chance.

I felt quite bad towards Mandy though. We didn't go boating in the end cos it rained every day. Didn't really manage to spend much time with her even though she came back just for me. I know, where to find such a wonderful friend right? And I forgot to pass her the Enid Blyton books again >.<|||

Ginny's getting older and older every time I got back. Like obviously, duh, but I'm kinda scared to see her becoming old and eventually die T_T

Oh yea I went for a haircut too! I feel like a XMM or 'lala mui' but Zach says it's Japanese/Korean kawaii -.-" Seriously what's wrong with me wei! I never look good with china bangs and yet I still want to get it. Maybe cos somehow deep down I know that with the right hairdresser and chemistry I WILL look good with bangs! Haha obviously deluded!

So anyway that just about sums up my weekend.

Oh before I best buy of the weekend: chic cards for only 99 cents from Tesco! A total steal cos i think they cost like almost 10 bucks(?) each normally. Hehe so you peeps be prepared to receive those cards on your birthdays!


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