Monday, July 06, 2009

So, orientation week (MINDS) is over and boy oh boy am I glad. I'm glad that the 1 week of non-ending stress and 'surprises' are done with. I'm glad that the fringe benefits which come with the whole package have been nothing but pleasing thus far. But most of all, I'm glad that I can finally take a breather and rest my poor feet. =D

However it feels kinda weird to not be on the go now when just last week and a lil' before that, I get about 3-4 hours of sleep daily and sometimes none! Meals were a thing in the past too. And I actually have collar bone now! wtf Lets see if I can keep it until Tua Chi's wedding. Hehe.

Anyway, 3rd year starts officially tomorrow and I'm kinda jittery cos I'm taking some killer subjects this semester so wish me luck! Ooh I got En Nik for microC! Yay!

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